You're here to discover how the body can heal itself

Your soul is crying out that there has to be more to life.

Where you thrive better than before symptoms, pain, anxiety, or blocks began.

Cut through the noise, transcend the "you cant's," and embody your most direct path.

You were called to heal for a reason. Your intuition knows this to be true.

That's where our work comes in 👇
You're here to find truth and uncover the real roots. To go beyond limitations of a symptom, label, traditional therapy talk, or cleanse.

By working with the body, energy, trauma release, breathwork, conscious rewiring, and intuitively selected medicinal remedies — you can move towards:

  • Living without limitations, enjoying ultimate freedom

  • Eating your favorite foods without throat/esophagus or abdominal pain 

  • Witnessing bloating and puffiness melt away

  • Feeling lighter physically and emotionally

  • Enjoying easy hormonal cycles

  • Fostering internal strength and daily energy

  • Radiating clear, vibrant skin

  • Breaking free from chronic pain, anxiety, or triggers

  • Strengthening your intuitive muscles, so you can always depend on the codes in your body and spiritual connection

  • Gaining clarity on your path, so you feel lit up by what you're doing and how you move about your day

unlock the native codes in your body

Through working with Mallory, and keeping an open mind, I’ve seen firsthand

the magic and truth"

- Morsal

Through working with you, and keeping an open mind, I’ve seen firsthand

the magic and truth"

- Morsal

"The energy healing was surreal. I never experienced anything like this. It took me to a deeper meditative state. I felt a roller coaster of emotion — hysterically crying, laughing to anger to pure relaxation.

I released a traumatic memory — floating in the hospital room I had my daughter in. I was watching myself lay pale, almost lifeless. The look of absolute fear on my husband's face and my mother sitting in a corner holding my daughter in pure shock. My stomach started making the strangest noises and I heard the yell of the nurse "She is not dying on my watch."

My whole body tensed, my eyes pulsing. I started laughing, my back was arched. Suddenly my whole body was in relaxation.

I saw passed family members, my grandmother, my cousin and my aunt. Flowers, hugs, the waves of the ocean. It was relaxing. Memories flashed of everything I've cried about since my digestive issues started. I saw food, chicken wings, fried pickles, buffalo chicken sandwiches... things I used to eat, but haven't since my digestive issues started.

My stomach was making noises and moving. I saw statements of letting fear go, letting the past go, cutting ties. I saw my "past self" being buried. My legs started twitching and my body relaxed again.

It was one of the wildest things I'd experienced. I hope to further my healing journey from this. My mood feels more grounded and calm, I haven't had racing thoughts of anxiety since the session.

I hope I can let go of some of the trauma I experienced and my anxiety and digestive issues. Mallory was amazing through the whole experience. I invite anyone open to natural self healing to try this experience."

- Jessica


Guided Energy Sessions

"Mallory's virtual group energy healing was a first for me. I was skeptical since it was virtual, and couldn't wrap my head around how it'd work!

I'm very open minded, and willing to try anything that could positively contribute to my healing journey. Fortunately this was integrated in the Curious Collective, so it made it accessible and convenient for me to try. Also, having completed Decoding Digestion, I knew I could trust Mallory. 

I was dealing with unresolved emotional trauma from a decade ago that randomly came up and had been bothering me.

After Mallory's session, I felt like that negative energy had somehow been "cleared" although I can't explain how. At the end of the session, I was surprised to hear Mallory say she could sense anger and frustration in me before the energy was cleared, she was on point!

Since then, the issue that had affected me no longer felt relevant. I can think about the experience, but there isn't the same bad energy associated with it.

Nine days after this session, the emotional trauma I experienced feels irrelevant to my present life, and so far away it just can't affect me anymore.

Also, since incorporating the energy tools at home Mallory teaches, I’ve been able to comfortably reintroduce previous food sensitivities!

I am so grateful to have experienced this, and hope to make this healing a more regular part of my life. I feel peace knowing that this works, and excited about all the future possibilities. Thank you Mallory!"

- Jolee

Guided energy sessions


"The energy healing season was really special for me. At first I asked myself if I'd feel out of place because I hadn't met the other women in the session, but I quickly understood it was very comfortable, actually unbelievably so.

I was able to relax quite well and I felt a very strong energy, it was focused and sharp and I felt very aware of the energy running through me.

I felt a very strong presence of my grandparents and that was very nice as I feel I am doing things in my life that they wanted to do but were not able to. 

I felt tears but I felt them as someone else’s tears. Something inside me that belonged to possibly my grandparents since they came through in the session.

I felt lifting up physically. I felt expansion and space. After I noticed a shift in my perspective. Despite all the craziness in the world I felt ok, positive in fact, instead of my sometimes tendency to be negative, I felt empowered. I was able to shift from acting upon fear, instead channeling confidence about the outcome I want. 

I recommend this work to anyone. I keep going back to the point I heard Mallory make that we actually heal on an energetic level — that supplements and protocols can be helpful, but it is not until we go in and dig around in the energy that we see how much it really is a large part.

I truly look forward to continue our journey in The Curious Collective and I feel proud of myself and fortunate that I am here."

- Marisa

guided energy sessions



During energy and somatic sessions, you will receive a high-frequency energy, channeled from me (practitioner) to you (client).

We may also bring in an active breathwork practice and other somatic techniques to help the body feel safe to clear and rewire traumas, food sensitivities, throat and esophagus pain, bloating, anxieties, and more.

Active breathwork is very different from your "relax and take a deep breath" 🤪

Here, we are using a simple, circular breath pattern that allows the lungs to release DMT - a psychedelic compound naturally found in the body.

This allows the body to not only bring blocks to the surface, but also clear and rewire them.

So whether the block is a trauma, trigger, food sensitivity, hormonal pattern, or beyond — there is the possibility for all of it to be rewired through this process.

All of this work can be done virtually ✨

I'm called to guide in this way after my own arduous chronic illness story and working with hundreds of clients.

With this work, I saw first-hand the body's ability to heal itself — in myself and my clients.

Memories, events, and patterns that were previously unconscious or buried in the body came to the surface and showed the real reasons why we get "sick." 

When we don't go in, and instead chase more bottles and labs (even if they're holistic), it's like putting the junk from one closet to another.

The body will continue to find a way to scream until you go in.

Through working with energy and somatics (you FEELING and releasing in your body), the body can feel safe to heal the roots behind various labels, including:

  • Anxiety, depression
  • Reflux/GERD/LPR
  • Bloating
  • IBS/Constipation
  • SIBO
  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Autoimmune issues
  • PMS, PCOS, Hormones
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Inflammation
  • and more...

Often, the "label" or symptom acronym can be a distraction from the deeper truths and energies the body is carrying. 

Someone can exert all their focus on the next bacteria to kill, lab marker to fix, or sensitivity to avoid, but the body will continue feeling sick if it's holding onto these stuck energies.

But when we start working through the body, energy, intuitive information, and somatics — bringing the unconscious to the conscious — we can begin to peel back the true roots and experience our most profound healing releases.

We see first-hand how the body can heal itself.

There's not a right or wrong way to experience. Whatever you feel is what's meant for your body & soul at this time. The energy meets you where you're at!

After the energy portion, we will have time to help you processs your experience and what we both felt come up. Integration is key!

As always, no one session "fixes" all. Doing this work consistently over at least a few months is what will yield true transformation.

Feel energy in areas you're working to heal (such as throat, esophagus, head, jaw, reproductive area, abdomen, heart)
Feel deeply relaxed
Hear sounds or notice movements in your belly
Receive intuitive messages relevant to your journey
See/feel the presence of ancestors, visions, or memories
Feel you're floating above your body
Enter a psychedelic or trance-like experience

See colors, glitter, smoke, beam of white light
Feel emotions like tears/crying, anger, frustration, bliss —> if an emotion is coming up, it's meant to be fully felt to release
Feel physical sensations, tingling, heat, twitching, a wave over you
During the session, you may:
Finding a cozy space to lie down, without distractions for about an hour :)

You'll be encouraged to open up, trust, let go, and surrender. I highly recommend an eye mask to help you go inward and reduce external stimuli.

You'll enter a meditative state while I send the energy and guide you on certain techniques to facilitate body releases. You will be encouraged to go IN the body, as that's where the codes to healing are.

Depending on where the individual is at, I may also guide you in an active breathwork practice that helps the body enter a "psychedelic" state, release, and rewire.

During this time, I will also tap into channeling intuitive information that may be relevant to your healing.

You will enjoy intentionally selected music to enhance the experience.

What's needed from you?

Bring unconscious memories and energies into consciousness, that could be the roots of sickness, anxiety, or personal struggles

👆Watch this short video to learn more about energy work, and how it can help healing!

"The energy healing was different than any other I have done previously!

I felt many things throughout the time, I saw relatives who passed with messages and guidance about my current life fears and trials. I felt goose bumps and cold, I felt I was out of body at one point, as well as being carried, held, and floating above.

The sense of anger I needed to release became prevalent. I felt a rush of energy and brightness around me immediately after. I had been having trouble sleeping and was able to sleep the night after!

I definitely would recommend this anyone in their healing journey as I believe it opens your eyes what you are needing to work through or creates validation in the places you know you need to.

I’ve always dealt with stomach issues and have been healing trauma for 5 years. I knew there was a connection but never was able to connect them. This is a great way to open that door and allow it to work through."

- Jessie


Guided Energy sessions

"It was my first time doing anything like this. I was skeptical, thinking it wouldn't work — how could it be possible, especially virtually through a computer?

I was laying down when all of a sudden— a physical process unfolded. My eyes started to water. I felt a huge rock on my chest and a rope pulled out of my heart. 

Then out of nowhere sobbing came. I saw flashes of hands, voices, stillshots. I got major ancestral vibes, like these flashes were messages to me from someone in my lineage. Finally, calm came over me. The tears faded. The weight on my chest lifted.

My session with Mallory was extraordinary. It was an emotional and physical journey. An experience I cannot put into words. I felt a huge release of negative energy and painful emotions.

Since my session, bloating and abdominal discomfort have practically vanished! I’ve added previous food sensitivities like eggs and beans back into my diet without issues, as well as dates and chocolate! I’m so thankful. Thank you Mallory."

- Morsal


Guided energy sessions

- Iliana

"My energy healing session with Mallory was a great experience! I felt very calm and relaxed. There were waves of tingling throughout my body and a warm sensation in my stomach.

I felt a distinct shift in my mindset - I now feel certain that I am healing. My digestion improved significantly, and I was able to get a restful night’s sleep. 

I noticed a major shift in my outlook surrounding doubt/worry around healing and food fear! I’m much more relaxed around meal time — there's been less tension in my body, if any at all when I eat.

Since the session, my reflux and bloating have improved, and I've comfortably reintroduced many foods! I've felt better than I have in years! This is such a powerful experience! I absolutely recommend to anyone healing!"


guided energy sessions

"My energy healing session with Mallory was a great experience! I felt very calm and relaxed. There were waves of tingling throughout my body and a warm sensation in my stomach.

I felt a distinct shift in my mindset - I now feel certain that I am healing. My digestion improved significantly, and I was able to get a restful night’s sleep. 

I noticed a major shift in my outlook surrounding doubt/worry around healing and food fear! I’m much more relaxed around meal time — there's been less tension in my body, if any at all when I eat.

Since the session, my reflux and bloating have improved, and I've comfortably reintroduced many foods! I've felt better than I have in years! This is such a powerful experience! I absolutely recommend to anyone healing!"

👆Watch this short video to learn more about energy work, and how it can help healing!

It’s vital to understand we aren’t just physical bodies living in a 3D universe. There's so much more than what we can directly "see" or "touch."

While everything is energy, everything vibrates at different frequencies. 

Higher frequencies are associated with love, abundance, health, wealth.

Lower frequencies can be associated with anger, bitterness, sadness, toxins, trauma, or chronic symptoms. This can include intergenerational traumas & patterns. 

By raising your frequency, you release lower vibrations to attract more of what you want — love, happiness, physical healing, financial abundance, freedom. 

To grasp how energy healing works:

Trauma is at the root of every condition, and gets stored in the body.

Whether the primary ailment is physical like reflux, SIBO, bloating, IBS, painful periods, and so on — or emotional like anxiety; there's always roots of trauma.

Many get stuck on hamster wheels of labs, diets, and protocols... yet still struggle. Because the roots persist.

There are memories, information, and energies stored in the body that need to be released to heal.

Energy work can support this process — where the individual feels a physical release, allowing the body to clear.

The FEELING element is pivotal — while talking brings awareness, ultimately the body needs to feel a physical release and energy shift to heal.

The term "disease" is rooted in "dis-ease:" unease + imbalance

“Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”

—  Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

seer, free-thinker, truth seeker

Hello there!

I'm Mallory.

I'm a healer helping you uncover and clear the real roots behind "mystery" conditions, so you can get your body and life back. Ultimate freedom.

I weave somatic & energy healing, breathwork,  consciousness, restorative nutrition, and medicinal remedies. When you integrate this work, the possibilities are limitless, and there are no longer roadblocks of feeling you've "tried it all."

Through my personal healing journey and guiding 1,000+ clients and students with complex conditions, I've seen how true healing is more than just “physical.”

We store blocks, emotions, patterns, and traumas in our bodies – over decades, lifetimes, and ancestrally. Symptoms are the body's way of signaling us to release!

This is true whether the primary ailment is acid reflux, sadness, IBS, bloating, SIBO, migraines, relationships, menstrual cramps, anxiety, business blocks, or beyond.

You're here to go beyond the surface to experience true holistic care. Layer by layer, we'll shed the energies of "sickness" and move towards wholeness. The magic is waiting for you🍄 🌱✨

  • Mentorships with Energy Healing, Somatic Work, Breathwork, Plant Medicines, Trauma Release, Channeling, Intuitive Expansion, 2020 - ongoing

  • Advanced Healing and Somatics Workshop led by Dr. Paul Canali: The New Biopsychosocial Model of Healing, Trauma, Anxiety and Chronic Pain, 2022

  • Ahai 7D Energy Healing 2021 - 2022

  • Navigating Psychedelics For Clinicians and Therapists, 2021

  • Reiki Certification (Levels I and II), 2021

  • Restorative Wellness: Mastering Blood Chemistry, 2021

  • Restorative Wellness: Mastering the Art and Science of Optimizing Hormones, 2020

  • Homeopathy Training to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illnesses in Body & Mind, 2020

  • Restorative Wellness: GI MAP, SIBO, & Food Sensitivity Testing Certification, 2019

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Certification, 2018

  • Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, 2018

  • Union College (NY), magna cum laude, 2014

certifications and training

While credentials and courses are powerful tools, please don’t forget the importance of deep inner work and mentors. This is a lifelong practice.

Healing, growing, and helping others isn’t just learning from a degree or certificate — it’s embodying what we teach, healing traumas, knowing who we are authentically at our core, and radiating curiosity.

Direct knowledge comes from direct experience. Knowing the technical without going fully in and doing one's own shadow work is limiting.

A degree alone cannot equip one to guide healing and become a master. One must go through the trenches, dive inward, and embody these practices ⚡️

While credentials and courses are powerful tools, please don’t forget the importance of deep inner work and mentors. This is a lifelong practice.

Healing, growing, and guiding isn’t just learning from a degree or certificate.

It’s embodying what we teach, healing traumas, knowing who we are at our core, and radiating curiosity.

Direct knowledge comes from direct experience. Knowing the technical without going fully in and doing one's own shadow work is limiting.

A degree alone cannot equip one to guide healing and become a master.

One must go through the trenches, dive inward, and embody these practices ⚡️

  • Mentorships with Energy Healing, Somatic Work, Breathwork, Plant Medicines, Trauma Release, Channeling, Intuitive Expansion, 2020 - ongoing

  • Advanced Healing and Somatics Workshop led by Dr. Paul Canali: The New Biopsychosocial Model of Healing, Trauma, Anxiety and Chronic Pain, 2022

  • Ahai 7D Energy Healing 2021 - 2022

  • Navigating Psychedelics For Clinicians and Therapists, 2021

  • Reiki Certification (Levels I and II), 2021

  • Restorative Wellness: Mastering Blood Chemistry, 2021

  • Restorative Wellness: Mastering the Art and Science of Optimizing Hormones, 2020

  • Homeopathic Strategy to Uproot Seemingly Unrelated Illnesses in Body & Mind, 2020

  • Restorative Wellness: GI MAP, SIBO, & Food Sensitivity Testing Certification, 2019

  • Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Certification, 2018

  • Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, 2018

  • Union College (NY), magna cum laude, 2014

certifications & training

"I have practiced and experienced many types of energy healing over the past 20 years. The session with Mallory was one of the most impactful and empowering that I've ever experienced.

This work helps in identifying the root cause of our ailments, thereby leading us to our own healing.

The session helped me tune into my intuition. I received visions and heard messages related to the keys to my healing, such as a vision of a prisoner who was being fed sugar, which resonated as a past addiction to sugar I was healing. 

This session with Mallory encourages me to continue this practice of empowering myself by "going within" to identify root causes for any ailments.

Mallory's session was relaxing and pleasant. The only "work" that was needed was to remain open to the experience.

In addition to being in The Curious Collective, I also have Mallory's “Decoding Digestion” program. I highly recommend her programs to anyone experiencing digestive issues, as I find her work to be among the most supportive and self-empowering.

I really needed encouragement and hope, and it was hard to find elsewhere. I am happy to report that I am feeling a lot better nowadays!"

- Michele


Guided Energy Sessions

"I was excited to try Energy Healing but expected it to be similar to other times I've meditated. I was so wrong!

Mallory is an amazing guide. I felt liquid draining from my left ear which is always clogged up! I was shocked! I felt pressure in my head and jaw. I also felt movement in my stomach like rocks rolling around.

I felt my mind clear, with healing thoughts and images. I'm blown away by what I saw! A yellow light around my abdomen and yellow flowers blooming from my stomach. To put this into context, I've had terrible pain and digestive issues for years, which Mallory has been helping me heal.

I shed tears as I realized I have the power to heal myself. For so long I waited for medicine and doctors to heal me. But, now I see that healing comes from within. All of a sudden, I was seeing myself in the womb — realizing we build every part of ourselves before we are born, so why not harness that power I have inside of me, and rebuild myself now? Heal myself!

After the session, I was amazed to hear what Mallory experienced with me. She felt pressure by her left ear as well as rocks coming out of her belly which completely coincided with what I was feeling during the session. Mallory explained the energy session as us tuning into the same frequency or radio channel. It was an experience I never expected to have.

I've felt more energized, open, and hopeful. I can't wait to have another session!"

- Amy

Guided energy sessions


"My experience with Mallory and energy healing was incredible and magical! 

It was a little difficult for me to understand how the energy healing process would be possible to do it in a remote way, but I decided to trust and be totally open!

The outcome was amazing! It was honest and intense in every sense… from physical sensations to strong emotions.

A few minutes in, something happened I can’t explain, but the feeling was intense! My breathing changed drastically, my limbs started to sweat, and I started crying.

A sensation came down my chest, as if someone was pulling me out. I felt pressure on my third eye and became a little lightheaded. I experienced a sensation I never felt before on my lower stomach. At the same time, I started seeing important passages of my childhood, beautiful memories and lessons learned. Memories I needed to release to heal. I also heard an inner voice sharing meaningful messages. 

My session with Mallory allowed me to feel lighter. I cried a few times after… happy tears full of love. Since that day, I can take really deep breaths… it feels amazing!!!

One of the biggest and positive changes (very blatant) was the fact that my lower stomach is not bloated. Before the session, my stomach would react to everything… including water, but that’s no longer the case and I’m extremely happy about it!

I can’t find the words to thank Mallory for this amazing experience… this was a blessing for me. It has been an honor to be able to do this guided by someone so talented, gifted and special as Mallory!

This is something that I will definitely keep doing because it helped in so many ways. Thanks Mallory!!! You are the best!!!"

- Ana

guided energy sessions