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Life is all about cycles. Death and rebirth. Breaking down and rebuilding. 

How does that fit into my journey and the pivot behind Digesting Wellness?

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seer, free-thinker, truth seeker

Hello there!

I'm Mallory.

I'm a healer bridging digestion and the emotional roots behind "mystery" conditions.

I weave restorative nutrition, functional labs, somatic & energy healing, consciousness, and potent medicinal remedies β€” so you can heal at the (real) roots πŸŒ€

Through my personal healing journey and guiding 1,000+ clients and students with complex conditions, I've seen how true healing is more than just β€œphysical.”

We store blocks, emotions, patterns, and traumas in our bodies – over decades, lifetimes, and ancestrally. Symptoms are the body's way of signaling us to release!

This is true whether the primary ailment is acid reflux, sadness, IBS, bloating, SIBO, migraines, relationships, menstrual cramps, anxiety, business blocks, or beyond.

You're here to go beyond the surface to experience true holistic care. Layer by layer, we'll shed the energies of "sickness" and move towards wholeness 🌱

take the quiz

What's your non-ordinary healing blueprint?

Unblock your medicine

Take this 45-second quiz: An introduction to healing physically, digestively, spiritually, & emotionally ✨

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What's your non-ordinary healing blueprint?

your path

Take this 45-second quiz: Your path to healing physically, digestively, and emotionally ✨